Head Start & Early Head Start
Head Start (HS) and Early Head Start (EHS) are comprehensive children services programs that offer a variety of services for income-eligible pregnant women and families with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. These state and federal-funded programs provide age-appropriate health, early education, and social services. By law, these programs follow federal child care requirements.
Head Start & Early Head Start Programs
These are two separate programs focused on children from birth to age 5. These services emphasize continuous and comprehensive development that enhances language, social, and emotional development. Participating in the Early Head Start program does not disqualify a child from also taking advantage of the Head Start program.
- Early Head Start: Our trained staff works with pregnant mothers and children younger than 3 years of age. This program encourages family involvement and can act as the link between child and community services like medical and dental care.
- Head Start: Head Start’s focus is on preparing a child for education and is designed for children from birth to age 5. Center for Human Services also engages parents in this program to provide a nurturing environment that promotes better outcomes. Head Start promotes a safe and healthy place that will better prepare children for school and a life beyond.
Center-Based Services
We offer mixed-age classrooms that are led by certified and compassionate instructors. This setting both supports and encourages parents to take the leading role in their child’s development. Our centers provide a safe and loving environment for children, birth to age 3, during the day while their parents are at work or school.
We are a full-day, full-year Early Head Start program for children birth up to 36 months that supports optimal development and potential of children and their families.
We offer center based services in Sedalia, Clinton, Harrisonville, Stockton, and Nevada.
Home-Based Services
Home-based services offer educational services to prenatal mothers and children birth to age 5 with weekly home visits. Early Head Start Home Visitors receive intensive training and observation to become certified.
- Parents as Teachers is a research-based home visiting curriculum and is provided in partnership with the Sedalia 200 school district’s Early Childhood Cooperative. Weekly home visits provide parenting information, as well as information on family strengths and community resources.
- Family fun nights allow parents in the Home Visiting program to spend time with other families to socialize, unwind, and have fun. A comfortable mealtime setting along with parent-child activities and training provide an educational and relaxing experience.