Children playing on a playground with a CHS caregiver

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Noah Nanneman smiling and posing for a photo

Noah Nanneman’s Story

Noah Nanneman’s journey with the Center for Human Services (CHS) started in 2017 after he graduated high school and wanted to gain employment. Through CHS Noah started receiving Employment Supports. His Service Coordinator, Debra Hope and Employment Specialist, Lance Dorrell helped him look for a job. After some time searching, he found a job that…

Gordon and Pat Haynie smiling out in the sunlight.

Creative Ways Through Challenging Days

The Center for Human Services (CHS) staff and community partners have stepped up to the challenge these past few weeks. They are working together by keeping children well fed, supporting families in need, and providing creative, fun activities for kids while at home. The staff at Kreative Kiddos, a CHS partner, was able to purchase…

Eric working out

Eric’s Journey with CHS

Meet Eric Beard, who doesn’t let his visual impairment hold him back and has a natural enthusiasm for life and people. Eric is a social butterfly, and, once he becomes your friend, it’s for life!  Those that know Eric would tell you about his great sense of humor, outgoing personality, his compassion for those he…

Rebecca with her twins

Rebecca, Christian & Carter’s Journey

Rebecca Davis started out in the Early Head Start Home Visitation program in February 2017, while she was pregnant with her twins, Carter and Christian. She began in a time of hardship; she had just lost her job and was not sure what to do to prepare for the birth of twins! Becca said her…

A young girl and her instructor swimming during a water therapy session

Swimming with Sophia

Two-year-old Sophia Gilley receives CHS First Steps, Early Head Start, and Aquatic Therapy services. She has several medical diagnoses including Dandy Walker Syndrome, Polymicrogyria, Corpus Collosum Agenesis and seizure disorder as well as an underdeveloped nerve at the back of her eye. This has slowed her development and has limited muscle strength throughout her whole body….

Randy going to a Chief's football game.

Randy Achieved His Goal

Meet Randy, he receives services from the Center for Human Services Community Living and Employment Services Department. He lives at Tradewinds apartments and is also supported to maintain a full-time job in the community. Randy’s success at his home as well as at work have helped Randy increase his confidence in many areas and has…

Kenny Dole working at the golf course

Kenny Dole

Kenny Dole, a former Sheltered Workshop employee of 28 years, worked with the Employment Services Department at the Center for Human Services to find a job working outside in an environment that Kenny would enjoy. As a result, Kenny received a job offer at Indian Foothills Golf Course and could not be happier. Kenny works as a…

Randy Webster on the floor at Zephyr

Randy Webster

Randy Webster has been a familiar face at Zephyr Manufacturing in Sedalia since October when he was hired full-time. He can usually be found packaging brooms or mop heads at the long-standing Pettis County Plant then packaging them up for delivery to local retailers. Randy had worked a variety of jobs before finding a home…

Rosalyn Tyler

Rosalynn was born on November 29th, 2016 following a healthy pregnancy and birth. It was during a doctor’s appointment at Riverside Pediatrics that concerns related to her smaller than expected head circumference was identified. Rosalynn was referred to Children’s Mercy Hospital where she was seen by Neurology and diagnosed with Microcephaly and partial deletion of…

Phil Graff and Steve Holbert with two coworkers in the Kitchen at Kehdes

Phil Graff and Steve Holbert

Kehde’s Barbeque is a Sedalia landmark.  People come for good food, great company, and an atmosphere that is unmatched almost anywhere.  In addition to all of the above, Phil Graff and Steve Holbert call Kehde’s home and for good reason. With the help of CHS Employment Services, Phil Graff joined the Kehde’s team in March…